Dean’s Corner

Message from the Dean
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the College of Home Economics (CHE) through this CHE website. The CHE is the home of the Filipino family. It is aptly housed in the Alonso Hall named after Teodora Alonso, mother of the Philippine National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. Teodora epitomizes the Filipino mother – loving, nurturing, value-laden and always ready to protect her family at all costs, at all times. The College is guided by its 7 Educative Goals, imbued with Filipino values: Love of God, Love of Country, Belief in the Integral Role of the Family, Ethical Behavior, Management-Mindedness, Pursuit of Excellence and Social Responsibility.
We take pride in our faculty, students, and staff for bringing honors to the College. Our faculty members are always at the forefront of teaching, research, and extension with the aim of addressing the material and relational needs of the family. These are embodied in the following areas of family life: basic life skills, nutrition, resource management, conducive learning environment, responsible and safe production and consumption, safe space and accommodation/shelter, clothing needs, among others. These competencies helped enable the Filipino families navigate the various challenges of the COVID pandemic 19.
As we celebrate the 61st year of the CHE as a College and the 101th year of Home Economics as a discipline in the University of the Philippines this 2022, we endeavor to continue our advocacy in uplifting the lives of the Filipino family. Thank you and Mabuhay!